

Capricorn Sign - Capricornus Horoscope with Astrologer Maria Sarbu


Capricornus Horoscope, Capricorn Sign; the most competent and orderly sign in the Zodiac! He draws his energy from his ability to dominate situations and others in whom he has no confidence. Self-assured, they see life in black and white and believe they are always right. Emotionally unavailable, he perfectly controls his moods, which gives him this ability to dominate. 

Obsessed with power and respect, he cannot stand weakness, which makes him one of the cruelest signs of the Zodiac. His search for respect, status or titles will sometimes make him superficial. 

Predictions for the Capricorn sign 

They have a hard time listening to others, and are very afraid of betrayal or being vulnerable.

Capricorn is the sign that stays upright when everyone else is down. They are the sign that specifically deals with crisis situations.

If they want to grow, they must temper their need to impose themselves on others and learn to listen.

Astrological predictions for the year with astrologer Maria Sarbu, horoscopes for each zodiac sign for the whole year and general predictions for the year. Maria Sarbu is an astrologer in Paris. She gives astrology consultations by videoconference (Zoom, Whats'App) or by phone, as well as courses on femininity and personal, spiritual and relational development.

Astrology is a path, a beautiful road of self-knowledge. The astral chart is a means and not an end. It serves to calculate the cycles of your planets and the periods of time. to reveal their meaning. And to predict certain events. Armed with such knowledge you exceed your level of consciousness and also you can access a higher level! 


@Astrologue a Paris, horoscope readings & Astrology in Paris, 2020 #horoscopecapricornus Capricornus Horoscope Capricorn Sign