Aquarius Horoscope, Deciphered by Astrologer Maria Sarbu
The Rebel of the Zodiac, Aquarius Horoscope for You! The one who by principle will do the opposite of others, because there is nothing he likes so much as to be noticed and the world revolves around him.
Voluntarily demonstrative, sometimes superficial, he is a lover of extremes who fears banality more than anything. His relationship with others is necessarily affected by this desire to shock, thus leading him to be the most solitary sign. He draws his energy precisely from the discordant note that he manages to create, thus nourishing his ego. There is a form of dual personality unique to this sign.
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They are capable of great cruelty, not hesitating to ridicule anyone who does not sufficiently flatter their overflowing ego.
To overlap with the above, he has a great desire for freedom: to do what he wants when he wants, as he wants. It should also be noted that he likes simplicity in the pursuit of his goals, he will not embark on complex strategies to achieve his ends as would people influenced by the sign of Scorpio for example.
Another important characteristic of Aquarius is his technical aptitude. They are indeed the most technical sign of the Zodiac, capable of great creativity in this area.
Astrology is a path of self-knowledge. The astral chart is a means and not an end. It serves to calculate the cycles of your planets and the periods of time, to reveal their meaning and to predict certain events. Armed with such knowledge you exceed your level of consciousness and also you can access a higher level!