The challenge of a new vibration

New vibration Carte Maria Sarbu, provocarea unei noi vibratii, carti scrise, publicate


The challenge of a new vibration

A book released in 2017 that help you understand and heal emotional baggage.

The challenge of a new vibration

You will find personality tests to discover how clean or affected your physical and spiritual senses are.

A personal development book that will help you to be able, to know and to feel.

Change now, change your life, self-taught, with this beautiful book: “A new vibration”.
New vibration helps you to heal the traumas and sufferings of the past, the metamorphosis.
A book of personality tests that changes your life, self-taught. It will help you develop your relationships with others. A good self-analysis book will change your life. In fact, self-knowledge is the most important element of this existence. It is the engine of evolution and existence!

The 5 physical senses and the 5 spiritual senses; sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and the need to keep them healthy. And the 5 senses and the need to keep them healthy!

The sixth sense, love and self-love!

The benefits of this book :
It will help you spiritually and emotionally. And most importantly it has a beneficial effect on the 3rd eye and healing on a deep level.
Through the answers you will give, you will discover many revelations. Honesty to yourself! And also, if you sometimes try to lie to yourself.
All the things desired and not realized, all the unspoken words, the expectations, and also, the parallel between what we want and what we have. All of this will come out, to allow you to heal and harmonize our present and our identity!
You will find what you need in this book. This material will give you the finest revelations and help you escape from equally fine problems.

Self-awareness and self-analysis are the strongest steps to a good life. Truly healthy and quite happy!
In fact, self-awareness is the most important element of this existence.
Self-mastery on a deep and physical level, as well as moral, spiritual, energetic and of course emotional.

Change your self life.
The knowledge of the heritage acquired from the family. And in addition, the management of failures and unlearned experiences. A magical path and the mystery of metamorphosis.

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